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Civil Law Fees

Due to the varying nature and complexity of disputes that can arise, it is not always possible to give a definitive estimate of costs. It will always be our aim to give you an estimation of the best possible cost from the outset and keep you updated as to any changes throughout the case.

We offer an initial meeting at a fixed fee, agreed in advance, to discuss your case and your specific needs and to discuss how we can assist you moving forward. In straightforward matters, we will typically charge £350 for a meeting up to one hour. This fixed fee could increase depending on the complexity of your matter. We may charge more, for example, if we are required to consider any documentation in advance of our initial consultation or if it is likely that the consultation will last more than one hour.

Stage One – Pre-Action

Simple Case: £1,000 to £3,000 (plus VAT and disbursements)

Medium complexity case: £3,000 to £5,000 (plus VAT and disbursements)

High complexity case: £5,000 plus (plus VAT and disbursements)

The above fees are likely to include:

  • Taking your initial instructions, and instructions throughout, reviewing documentation and providing ongoing advice;
  • Undertaking any appropriate searches;
  • Sending a letter before action;
  • Corresponding, where appropriate, with the other party;
  • Receiving payment and sending it on to you.

Factors that could make your matter more complex:

  • A large volume of documentation/paperwork to review;
  • Multiple parties;
  • Dealing with a litigant in person/unrepresented party;
  • If the debt is disputed/contested;
  • If the other party indicates a Counterclaim.

Stage Two – Proceedings

Hourly rate of £350 plus disbursements, depending on complexity of case, fees are likely to include:

  • Continuing to take your instructions and further review of the documentation/paperwork and advising on merits and prospect of success.
  • Corresponding throughout with the other party and any other relevant parties.
  • Preparing Claim Form and Particulars of Claim, or Defence, where appropriate.
  • Instructing and liaising with Counsel throughout, where appropriate.
  • Where no Acknowledgment of Service or Defence is received, applying to the court to enter Judgement in default.
  • When Judgement in default in received, write to the other side to request payment.
  • Reviewing, and advising on the other party’s response.
  • Exploring/negotiating settlement throughout the matter.
  • Preparing for/attending mediation, where appropriate.
  • Preparing for, and attending and preliminary hearings and final hearing.
  • Taking witness statements, drafting statements, and agreeing their contents with witnesses.
  • Reviewing and advising on the other party’s witness statements.
  • Preparing the document bundles and agreeing on them with the other party.

Factors that could make the matter more complex:

  • Numerous or complicated issues.
  • A large number of witnesses.
  • The claim is defended.
  • Whether the claim is settled early.
  • Whether an Alternative Dispute Resolution method is tried before the case goes to Court.
  • Making or defending an unforeseen application.


Please note that the fees mentioned above are indicative and may vary depending on the complexity of your case. Additionally, any applicable Home Office fees and other necessary disbursements are not included in the mentioned fees.

The costs of pursuing a case can only be estimated, without further details. We therefore recommend that you should contact one of our team members on 020 3343 6204 to discuss the matter.

This will enable our expert team to provide you with an accurate estimate based on your personal circumstances.